The team at Embassy Global understands the importance of providing accurate technical manuals, User Guides, datasheets, presentations, articles, sales lead letters, PRs, e-newsletters, technical brochures, website pages and other documents in the technical language of the customer. Beyond the translated word, these documents must reflect the same in-depth knowledge of products, applications and markets as their original language version. Our unique approach to technical translation services combines traditional methods with local language copywriting and editing by industry subject matter experts within the local region.
All translations performed by industry subject matter experts and verified by subject matter experts in the local areas.
In-house translation quality policies follow ISO 17100:2015 and ISO 9001:2008 standard guidelines
Primary language specialties in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese
Additional external partnerships for Chinese, Japanese and Russian
Graphics support in InDesign, XML, SolidWorks, CAD, and most e-newsletter software products.
Most translations delivered within a few business days.
Same-day and expedited deliveries upon request
Technical articles (with appropriate copyright/author clearances)
Press releases
Datasheets and catalogs
Website and web pages
Product manuals
Sales presentations (including infographics)
Annual reports
Reference translation of sales agreements, documents and emails
Exhibition posters and signage
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